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Ways to Support the Library


1. Join the Friends of the Library - Membership dues help fund library programs and volunteering to help with the library programs is always greatly appreciated!


2. Use Amazon Smile - The Friends of the Thompson-Hickman Madison County Library is recognized by the Amazon Smile program.  If you make your regular Amazon purchases through Amazon Smile and designate our non-profit, a percentage of your purchases will be sent to the Friends group! Click here to select us as your charity!


3. Donate - Monetary donations are always accepted and appreciated!


4. Library Cabaret - The Library Cabaret is our largest annual fundraiser.  The Cabaret, which includes dinner, a performance by the Virginia City Players, and a silent auction, takes place in the VC Elks Lodge at the end of August.


5. Volunteer - We can often use help typing checkout cards, putting stickers on new materials, making sure everything on the shelves is in order, etc.  If you are interested in helping out, let us know!


6. Read our Monthly Newsletters - We send out electronic newsletters every month, full of information about upcoming events, programs, and new materials.  To receive our newsletters, please contact us with your email address.

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