Madison County Library

Mondays: 10am - 7:30pm
Tuesdays - Fridays: 10am - 5:30pm
Saturdays: 10am - 2pm
217 Idaho St * PO Box 128 * 406-843-5346 * Fax 406-843-5347 * thlibrary@madisoncountymt.gov
Virginia City, Montana
Thompson-Hickman Madison County Library
A member of the MSC 4-
Rivers Sharing Group
eBooks & Digital Audiobooks
Renew Your
*6 public computers
*Inter-Library Loans
*Montana History section
*Quiet Reading Room
*Dick Pace Archives - access available by appointment
*Community Meeting Room - available by appointment
*Free coffee & cookies!
*Adult Fiction
*Adult Westerns
*Adult Non-Fiction
*Biographies Section
*Montana History Section
*Audiobooks on CD
*Young Adult
*NEW RELEASES - Adult, YA, & Children's Books
*Children's Baby Books
*Children's Picture Books
*Children's Beginning Reader Books
*Children's Chapter Books
*Children's Non-Fiction Books
*Madisonian Newspapers
*Large Magazine Collection
*Large DVD Collection
*Documentary DVDs
*Western DVDs
*Musical DVDs
*Classic DVDs
*Holiday DVDs
*Horror DVDs
*Children's DVDs
*TV Series DVDs

Mission Statement
The purpose of the Thompson-Hickman Madison County Library is to strive to provide programs, materials, and services to meet the informational, cultural, recreational, and educational needs of the Library’s service area population.
Every effort will be made to provide the best service within the constraints of the budget and facilities by utilizing information sources, materials, and personnel from within and outside Madison County.
The Library will strive to cooperate with other libraries, educational institutions, and agencies, and individuals to gain information resources for residents within its service area.
Book Stations
We also provide Book Stations in the McAllister, Norris, Harrison, and Pony Post Offices, where locals can borrow books and DVDs from the collection we trade out every 6 weeks!